A Few More Shapes

Meet my friend, the Kite. He wants everything. But he's not sure that will be enough. He needs to leave something behind. To this end, the Kite is a creature of compulsive efficiency. He needs to be someone better than he is. Sometimes, his mix of natural confidence and moral certainty makes him completely tactless. I wonder if we share a similar kind of guilt.

I'm still trying to figure out the Semicircle. I'm not sure whether she doesn't want to be known or just doesn't advertise herself well. She'd know if I used a word incorrectly, and it's actually worse that she might not tell me. The Semicircle has an effortless air of competence. She's just smarter than me. And probably you. I'm guessing it isn't very nice inside her head sometimes. It would be over for everyone in her life if she didn't doubt herself.

Let's get to know the Rectangle. He's quiet, but not shy. He sees everything. And he can make any observation hilarious. Conversations with him can be as profound or inane as you like. I can't be kinder to him than he is to me. I keep trying to find the internal conflict that drives him. But with the Rectangle, what you see is what you get. It is actually frustrating.

The Star is anyone's guess. I think she aspires to be the prototypical wildcard. Every new thing I learn about her makes me want to figure out what made her the way she is. Maybe she lives for attention? Or maybe everything she does seems perfectly normal to her. And she could explain it all, and it would seem perfectly normal to me too.